
Thursday, 7 July 2016

Trip to the Marae

Last Tuesday we had a special trip to the Marae. It was a lovely sunday our whole school started walking down to Ruapotaka Marae, our feet were ready and fit to walk.

When the whole school got there we all waited outside the building. The Powhiri had begun. Ana-lei replied back in Maori to the Maori lady that was singing Haere mai out loud. We started following Ana-lei because she was in front. Powhiri welcoming done, we took off our shoes and got inside the Awhina Tangata.

Inside the Awhina Tangata we sang He Honore and another Maori song. I was one of the 5 people that had to go up and Hongi with the 6 other Marae members. I had the confidence to go up and Hongi with the 6 of them. Later on, once everything was done I went to get the lunch box with the boys to give it to the classes.

So after that we had our 2 last activities before we head off to school. Room 1 and my class stayed inside the hall and Room 5, 3 and 4 went to the Awhina Tangata room to do a fun Maori song. We done this exciting activity for half an hour, then changed over to the Awhina Tangata room.

My favourite part during the trip is going up with the 4 other brave boys because it was my first time in my whole life doing the Hongi.

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